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A quick guide to new Skilled Worker Visa Options A through K

The UK government has introduced several updates to the Skilled Worker Visa rules, now featuring various "options" labelled A through K. This article will break down these options to help you identify which ones you might qualify for. The focus of this article is on the Skilled Worker Visa and Health and Care Worker visa.

Are you confused by the new UK Skilled Worker Visa options?

Determining which category applies

Each option has specific qualifying criteria that determine the minimum salary requirement for a Skilled Worker Visa or Health and Care Worker Visa. To begin, it is crucial to recognise that these options are grouped into three categories. Understanding these categories will help you to refine your choices, as the options on their own can be confusing.

Options A through E apply to you if you are a new Skilled Worker Visa applicant applying on or after 4th April 2024.

Options F through J apply to you if received your Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) prior to the 4th April 2024 or you are existing UK visa holder and are looking to switch to a new visa sponsor, extend your current Skilled Worker Visa, or settle in the UK via Indefinite Leave to Remain.

Option K applies if you are applying for Health and Care Worker Visa or your occupation is in education.

New Skilled Worker Visa applicants (A - E)

For new Skilled Worker Visa applicants there are 5 potential options that apply, which are based on your occupation, level of education, and level of experience.

Option A

Basic Skilled Worker Visa.

Option B

Skilled Worker Visa for applicants with a PhD which is relevant to the job and in a qualifying subject.

Option C

Skilled Worker Visa for applicants with a PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) subject.

Option D

Skilled Worker Visa for occupations which are included on the Immigration Salary List

Option E

Skilled Worker Visa for new entrants at the start of their career.

Existing Skilled Worker Visa or CoS holders (F - J)

If your CoS was issued prior to 4th April 2024 and / or you are a existing UK Skilled Worker Visa holders looking to switch to a new visa sponsor or extend your current visa or apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) then the following options are available to you:

Option F

Basic Skilled Worker Visa.

Option G

Skilled Worker Visa for applicants with a PhD which is relevant to the job and in a qualifying subject.

Option H

Skilled Worker Visa for applicants with a PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) subject.

Option I

Skilled Worker Visa for occupations which are included on the Immigration Salary List

Option J

Skilled Worker Visa for new entrants at the start of their career.

Healthcare or Education Occupations (K)

If you work in an eligible healthcare or education job then qualify under option K. These jobs have national and / or regional minimum salary requirements.

Putting it all together

Initially, options A through E may seem indistinguishable from options F through J, leading to potential confusion. However, the crucial factor lies in determining whether you are a new visa applicant or an existing Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) or visa holder before 4th April 2024.

We have made it easier for you by creating a database of searchable occupations for you to quickly identify the qualifying criteria; the salary requirements; and a Skilled Worker Visa Calculator.

Try our Skilled Worker occupations search today and see if you qualify!


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