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Minimising upfront fees for a UK Skilled Worker Visa

Applying for a UK visa can be expensive, especially if you are not earning in British pounds. The pound is strong against most currencies, so you will need to pay more for your application. However, there are creative ways to minimise the upfront costs.

We recommend that you discuss the length of your visa with your potential employer. This is because the Immigration Skills Charge (ISC) is calculated per year, so a longer visa will mean a higher ISC fee for your employer.

Please note that the application fee differs for jobs on the shortage list. If you are unsure if your job is on the shortage list you can check using our UK Skilled Worker Visa Points Calculator which will confirm if your occupation is on the shortage list.

UK Skilled Worker Visa (not on shortage list)

The application fee for a Skilled Worker visa is £625 for up to 3 years and £1,235 for more than 3 years. In addition, you will need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), which is £624 per year.

Table 1: Potential reduction in upfront costs by comparing 3 years vs 5 years for a job which is not on the shortage list

3 years

5 years

Application Fee



Immigration Health Surcharge



Upfront cost



As you can see, there is a significant difference in the upfront costs between a 3-year visa and a 5-year visa.

UK Skilled Worker Visa (on shortage list)

The application fee for a Skilled Worker visa on the shortage list is £479 for up to 3 years and £943 for more than 3 years. In addition, you will need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), which is £624 per year.

Table 2: Potential reduction in upfront costs by comparing 3 years vs 5 years for a job which is on the shortage list

3 years

5 years

Application Fee



Immigration Health Surcharge



Upfront cost



As you can see, there is a significant difference in the upfront costs between a 3-year visa and a 5-year visa.

Health and Care Work Visa

The application fee for a Health and Care Work visa is £247 for up to 3 years and £479 for more than 3 years. There is no Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS).

The Health and Care Worker visa is currently the most affordable way to get to the UK, including for dependents. Therefore, we recommend that the health and care worker be the primary applicant for families looking to move to the UK.


As you can see, the upfront costs are significantly more if your visa length is more than 3 years. However, you can defer some of the costs by extending your visa once you are in the UK and earning British pounds. This may be a more affordable way of obtaining your UK visa, especially if you have dependents.

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